Thursday, December 3, 2009

Mood status update

Today is December 3. I have been unemployed for three whole months now. I have applied to a couple of dozen jobs, had "conversations" with several key people, am working with a headhunter, and I still got nothing.

I am also trying to start my own business and I've attended several networking events. I am fortunate to be working with a friend from our synagogue on a couple of his projects, but that is slow-going.

I know that the end of the year is a bad time to look for a job. Companies are in the midst of their year-end processes.

But - every day is a new opportunity, right? Perhaps this is a chance in my life to rewrite my career path (what career path...). Perhaps I should go back to school to learn something, or to become certified in something. I feel like this is all a sign for something, but I am not sure what.

It doesn't help that I have friends who are unemployed too. It doesn't help that even though we are surviving, our income was cut in half but our expenses remain the same. It doesn't help that a week after I was laid off, I sprained my ankle, a wall in our daughter's room developed major cracks due to foundation work (along with the rest of the house), and a pipe burst in the bathroom. I need some chizuk right now. I know things will get better. I just hope it does sooner rather than later.

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