Friday, August 27, 2010

Having a bad day?

Having a bad today? Here's what I do:

1. Wear a bright color. You can't feel down if you're wearing something lime, fuschia, or turqoise. It instantly lifts your spirits.

2. Wear some luminescent eye shadow. You know, to make yourself look awake and happier than you really are.

3. Read something funny or listen to a joke. Make yourself laugh.

4. Pack some chocolate in your lunch.

5. Treat yourself and buy a fancy cup of coffee or yummy espesso drink. Sip it slowly and enjoy the frothiness of the milk.

6. End work emails with Have a great day!

7. At the end of your rope and can't get away from the kids? Go to the bookstore or the fancy grocery store or pet store and let the location do the entertaining for you. And feed them ice cream for snack. Ice cream solves a lot of problems.

8. Your day is not nearly as bad as the doctor who was just named in a lawsuit. No, really: I just walked to my office and overheard a doctor's phone conversation. Presto - my day instantly looked better.
9.  Count down: it's always "T minus" the days until Shabbat!

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