Monday, October 26, 2009

Birthday weekend

This past Shabbat/Saturday, my girl turned 2. T-W-O. Her age is now in years - it's PLURAL!!


My husband's dad and his wife flew in for the weekend and we had a fantastic time. They sponsored a lovely kiddush at our shul, which was followed by a great lunch at our house, which was followed by a too-brief nap, which was followed by playtime with my nephew and my sister and included a special post-Shabbat party so we can light a candle and sing Happy Birthday to my daughter for the second time that day (although the candle actually burned itself out so then we sang it a third time, albeit in a different language).

Sunday morning we met friends and all headed out to the zoo. We had more cupcakes.

This morning was her birthday celebration in school. I think she actually got tired of all of the hoopla because she had a bored look on her face the whole time. And I captured it all on video.

I'm so proud of my little girl.

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